Thursday, October 16, 2008

Attraction Marketing and the Dating Scene

Ever wonder why Marketing and Dating have so many similarities?

Lets look at the facts:

1. Women are attracted to men that are confident in who they are.
....... so are prospects.

2. Women love men that show themselves to be unique with strong leadership skills.
....... so do prospects.

3. Women are attracted to men that are not afraid to try new things and are adventurous.
........ so are prospects.

4. Women become infatuated with men who take things slow in the beginning and don't try to push themselves on them.
........ prospects are REALLY attracted to this one!

In closing, we can all apply these small techniques to our business, as well as our social lives. And in the long run, we will see MORE positive results and LESS negative. So just remember this..... DON'T KISS ON THE FIRST DATE!! ( unless she has opted into your auto-responder )


Sue T. said...

Cool post Jeff! I'm going to borrow your 1-4, with your permission of course, that's very insightful of you.

LOL Don't kiss on the first date! I used to go to networking meetings where "no kissing" on the first date was part of the rules. That's so funny you've used it here.

Excellent article, very nicely done!

Sue T. said...

I wonder if I'll get an email when you reply... Hmmm...

jeffrey73 said...

Thank you Sue, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Look for my newest blogspot called "EZ Tricks Electrical Tips" to find out simple answers you may have to the small problems you might be able to fix on your own. Remember: Electricity is very dangerous and less than 1 amp can KILL a human being. Be sure to ALWAYS turn-off the power whenever possible. If you are unsure about what you are supposed to do, ALWAYS consult and hire a licensed, bonded Electrician or company.
