Thursday, October 16, 2008

Attraction Marketing and the Dating Scene

Ever wonder why Marketing and Dating have so many similarities?

Lets look at the facts:

1. Women are attracted to men that are confident in who they are.
....... so are prospects.

2. Women love men that show themselves to be unique with strong leadership skills.
....... so do prospects.

3. Women are attracted to men that are not afraid to try new things and are adventurous.
........ so are prospects.

4. Women become infatuated with men who take things slow in the beginning and don't try to push themselves on them.
........ prospects are REALLY attracted to this one!

In closing, we can all apply these small techniques to our business, as well as our social lives. And in the long run, we will see MORE positive results and LESS negative. So just remember this..... DON'T KISS ON THE FIRST DATE!! ( unless she has opted into your auto-responder )

Monday, September 22, 2008


Do you remember the old news specials on television exposing rip-off artists and scammers, warning you not to fall into their manipulative schemes? These evil-doers are sure to cause you financial damage in one way or another!

But nowadays you have to worry about a NEW breed of evil-doers ( some ARE, some ARE NOT, and some don't even realize they are doing it ) these are called the dreaded internet SPAM ARTISTS!

Let us begin with how spamming first got started. In the early years someone would walk up to you, regardless of where you were, and started pitching their business to you. And although this was the "traditional" way to sell, it became a very uncomfortable way of doing business. E-mail soon became a popular way of communicating, and guess what? Solicited ads and garbage that you were not interested in FLOODED your mailbox. You tried time and time again to keep up with deleting all these ads until you finally decided it was time to change your e-mail address. We surely have all been through this before! I can even remember my old sales manager ( when I was selling Kirby vaccuum cleaners ) telling me, " I don't care if they say they can't afford it, find a way to make the sale! " ( talk about feeling worthless! ) Yet this is the mindset that spammers are taught, whether innocent victims or not. They end up becoming dependant on the "system" they are promoting.

Online Social Networking sites are now the NEW target for SPAM ARTISTS. Sites like Yuwie and Direct Matches, which are very credible social networking sites, are now being BOMBARDED with spam ads daily by the thousands! ( If I could only make a penny for every Ad that I've run across ). In one instance, a certain individual wrote me an e-mail on one of these sites that said something like this " Hey friend, we get paid according to how much activity goes on in our site. Let's keep e-mailing each other back and forth, with no subject ( just write something ) hundreds of times so we will both make money from the activity. After all, that is what friends are for right? I'm not sure about you, but I almost felt nauseous after reading this! And these are the type of ( like minded individuals ) that I am supposed to do business with? I think not!

But let us not dwell on this information and perceive it in a NEGATIVE way. Let's use it as an example to teach our followers that this is not Professional behavior and people will not take your business seriously if you use these tactics. And even if we think we are not doing it and that we have multiple years of experience, we may still be doing it and not even realizing!